Squad Goals: These Buddies Bought Ksh 60M Retirement Home To Live Together

Group of Friends buy retirement home

Legit friendships surely exist but on rare occasions. The handful that make it through the years must be made of extremely special bonds. Lots of good friendships built over years on solid foundations have crumbled to dust because one party became too needy and too stingy, while the other party got fed up with its left hand not getting anything in return.

While friendship is about caring for each other and being there for each other, its got to somehow be on a level where you can all agree on something and see it come to fruition just like these group of friends from China who are a living testimony of commitment and dedication.

Having known each other for 20 years after they met at work, the ladies decided in 2008 that they would live together one day. These seven friends came across a property in the suburbs of Guangzhou, the south-eastern Guangdong province, in 2018 and decided to make it their retirement home.

“At first, it was just a joke. We said we would get together when we were 60 and live the retired life together. We’ll cook, have barbecues in the fields, sing and collect food from the village,” one of the friends named Jin Du said.

The buddies coughed a whopping £460,000 to renovate the posh house which they will be spending the better part of their sunset days as they had planned earlier. The three-storey mansion is that typical house you’d work hard to have it fully customised to suit your desires.

Established among paddy fields in some village away from the city centre, the house has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, a tea pavilion, a massive open kitchen, private bedrooms and a swimming pool. They have all promised to learn new skills in cooking, farming and music to help with upkeep and keep them entertained.

“We’re all independent individuals but we can communicate and rely on each other at the same time. Ten years later our children would have all grown up. So we hope we can be together again in 10 years,” added Jin.

The group of friends is searching for six more souls to join the bandwagon.