Smoking Cigarettes With Your Boss Could Get You Promoted

Smoking with your boss

The relationship with your boss should go beyond the give and take type of situation and graduate into one where the two of you get to have moments away from work where you enjoy something in common.

While there is no statutory right to smoking breaks, employees are permitted to one rest break of at least twenty minutes if they are working six hours or more, a perfect opportunity for smokers to refer to as cigarette breaks. Smoking is generally forbidden in workplaces and in cases where some employees cannot do without a cigarette,  they are provided with smoking areas outside. During these smoke breaks, bosses and their employees who smoke together often discuss important information.

According to a paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research of India, male smokers who share a cigarette break with their bosses are likely to get promotions at work unlike those who choose to smoke by themselves, gaining an advantage over their female counterparts.

The results of the study conducted by researchers at Harvard Business School and Anderson School of Management, which are part of a broader study that has shown that men benefit from having male manager, while women have the same promotional rate regardless of the gender of their boss.

This echoes a study showing that people tend to favor proteges who are similar to themselves, benefiting men since women make up just a quarter of the executive rank, similar to research that indicated men benefit from encounters with other male-only spaces. Ladies who smoke is about that time you join the boys when they go smoking with the boss, you could get a promotion just like that.