How to Reverse a Wrong M-PESA Transaction

mobile Money

Making a wrong M-Pesa transaction to a wrong number is very stressful since you are not sure if that person will give back your cash. It is normal and you do not have to panic. Safaricom has come up with an easy way to reverse your money, you do not even need to call the wrong number sent to.

Before sending the money, you really need to be careful. Safaricom does give you an easy way to confirm any M-PESA transaction called hakikisha before you can click send. There is a pop up SMS that appears before you can click send showing the details of the recipient. In case the transaction is wrong, you need to reverse immediately so that the wrong M-PESA recipient does not withdraw the money and give Safaricom a hard time of trying to withdraw the cash from another transaction. This is all you need to do in case you make a wrong transaction.

  • Immediately you realize you have made a wrong M-PESA transaction, go to the SMS you received from Safaricom
  • Copy the Transaction code and create a blank SMS, paste it there and send it to the Number 456
  • Safaricom will process your transaction, then reverse it.