Senator Wants Folks to Save 40% of Their Earnings But Kenyans are Not Boarding

Kenyans to Save 40% of their earnings

Your hard-earned money is as good as you can manage it and not even the best of financial analysts, investment managers or accountants can come in between. As Kenyans we can deal with the statutory deductions like NHIF, NSSF, and taxes, that’s fair enough but a statutory deduction into a savings scheme is subject to endless debate.

Not with what we have seen with our naked eyes how some public servants have climbed the wealth ladder embezzling these funds, looting and stealing from the public like we are their slaves. We know better than to trust a government scheme for pooling our savings.

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina in his official Twitter handle today, said that he is looking to change the future of Kenya, by guaranteeing each of us one.  To do so, he is proposing to introduce a bill in parliament, which will mandate every Kenyan to save 40% of their earnings (untaxed) in a special Government fund and do away with on capital gains.

He goes ahead to propose that those who don’t work, the government will pay for their training until they get a job, in the spirit of inculcating self-reliance through work and not welfare and that as a country we must build our Human Resource and Create Jobs for our Citizens.

While Senator Ledama, said to be a results-oriented leader with a proven track record in attracting investments to promote social development and economic growth, sits in a position of power and influence, his idea could be the magic bullet to set the country into its rightful course, Kenyans have been quick to boldly express their lack of trust in the government system.

1. Damn right, betting is better off.

2. Louder for the people at the back.

3. We barely have enough to take the risk

4. NO WAY!

5. Good thinking

6. With the cost of living this high?